User profile and social data helps to optimize a marketing campaign by supplying critical consumer information. This data is pulled from a user’s social profile and can be used to personalize efforts to ensure that brands are able to communicate with their users at a personal level.
So, the question is, “How do you get your hands on this valuable data?” You will be surprised to find that the data you are looking for is available right within the social media ecosystem where your target audience is interacting with friends, followers, and brands; users are building an online brand for themselves and by enhancing social you are able to get insight on that brand.
The only way of getting access to this valuable data is through social login. Implementing social login also helps you improve user experience, increase conversion rates, and to really understand your users.
The most evident benefit of social login is that users are able to login with their preferred social identity, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google. This helps them escape the time consuming and often irritating process of user registration that leads to the creation of yet another username and password. This frictionless authentication process has the potential to prompt more users to login to your site, which will increase conversion rate. But, one of the most beneficial features for website owners is obtaining user data.
Social Login gives your business immediate permission based access to valuable social data that is available on user’s social profiles.
Social networks are privy to some rich demographic, intention, and interest data about their users and social login will help you get access to it. This is credible first party data and therefore can be trusted to give you true insights on your users.
When a user authenticates with their social profile they also give permission for their information to be shared with your website. This information includes interests, social connections, education, verified email address, etc. By knowing more about your visitors, you can create a more personalized user experience that allows you to drive meaningful interactions with them.
Now What?
Alright, you’ve got your hands on all the social data you need. Now what? How are you going to make use of this data to facilitate profitable digital interactions? Let’s look at it from the perspective of ‘email marketing.’
According to the Lead Generation: Fuelling the Revenue Engine survey by Demand Metric, email marketing is at the very top of lead generation approaches, with 78% of respondents using emails to attract more leads. Also, a new report by Global Industry Analysts Inc. forecasts that the global market for email marketing will reach US$ 15.7 billion by 2017.
Social data helps you improve email relevancy by delivering targeted brand messages that generate better leads. It helps you adopt behavioral targeting to achieve email marketing success.
Personalization ensures that you are not only getting to the consumers’ inbox, but also making sure they are opening your emails and interacting with your brand. This is because you are able to use the right communication triggers.
This is just one example of social data; It plays a huge role in every aspect of the digital marketing funnel.
Getting access to the Right Data
A social login provider such as LoginRadius gives marketers/business owners the option of capturing 200+ data points and a hassle free implementation. Providers also deliver normalized data ensuring it’s in a single data format and consistent. Going with a social login provider helps you maximize the potential of the data you have at your disposal.
The Caveats to Use Social Login
So I think it is evident that social login is good for your business, by generating targeted leads and improving conversion, but, this is only possible if you adhere to certain best practices:
- You must tailor content to meet user expectations with information gleaned from their social profile. You will
need to have a back-end system in place that helps you make immediate use of all relevant data to optimize it the most efficiently. - Focus on offering the most relevant networks for social login, as well as give the users options. Some users may have a Google account, but not Facebook, etc. If your website is business based, maybe Linkedin is the best choice. It is best to understand your users and offer the social networks that are the most relevant to them.
- Users are concerned about their personal information falling into the hands of the wrong people; you need to lay their doubts to rest. Telling them how you are going to use this information is always a good idea to create a trusted relationship.
Access to social data through social login helps you create an ‘extremely socialized web property’ that enhances user experience, increases conversion, and helps you understand your users. The outcomes are also driving deeper digital interactions and increasing the ‘social’ aspect of your brand.