Last week, Pinterest announced that users would be able to search their own pins, a feature that’s been requested, oh, since forever. Many Pinterest users have set up boards for themselves for recipes and other things they want to refer back to, but previously, the only way to find that Eggnog recipe I shared with you a while back that you pinned would be to scroll through all of your pins on that board until you found it. Now, Pinterest users can type whatever they want in search, like always, but also add a filter to show only results from your own pins.
Today, that functionality comes to mobile app.
Grab the Pinterest app update, and you’ll be able to start searching your own pins wherever you are. And for most of us, that makes even more sense, since we’re more likely to need to find an old pin while we’re on our phone, and not sitting at our computer.
The update also brings performance enhancements to pinning and picking boards, as well as a notice when you’ve already pinned something, saving you from duplicate pins.
As you can see in the screenshot above, simply tap the Search icon and start typing in your search. You can choose to search Pins or Boards or Pinners, and below that is a new toggle between “All pins” or “Just my pins.” I wanted to find that set of USB cufflinks I pinned a long time ago for my next mission abroad.
An interesting application for businesses is to use one or more Pinterest Boards to collect pins for your own business use. Perhaps they’re pinned images for inspiration, products you want to invest in for the business, or perhaps even competitors! You can always create a Secret Board if you don’t want other people to see your competitor research.
Check it out and let me know what you think!